The Greensburg Garden Center is a non-profit community group dedicated to fun and education in the world of gardening. Located in the Greensburg Garden and Civic Center at 951 Old Salem Road, we meet on the first Tuesday of each month for various events and knowledgeable speakers, followed by a light luncheon. Read on for more information about upcoming meetings, events and how YOU can become a member.
Click the link below for more history!
Our monthly meetings feature informative and entertaining guest speakers, friendship and luncheon. Join us the first Tuesday of each month. Find out more on the "MEETINGS" page.
Spring Tea, May Mart Plant Sale, Bus trips, the August Butterfly Release, and so much more! See what's happening at G.G.C. on the EVENTS page.
Make a difference by volunteering your time to a myriad of fun crafting projects OR assist with our community events in any capacity. Explore our latest volunteer opportunities and get involved today.
Christmas crafting Workshops for the annual Christmas Greens Sale sale begin on October10th 10 AM – 2 PM. We will be in the work room Tuesday and Thursdays until the sale December 6th. This is one of our major fundraiser for the year. Even if you're not very 'crafty' we need your help. Remember... Many hands make light work. For more information contact the office.
Win the week of April 27, 2025 - May 3, 2025 in Williamsburg
at the Club Wyndham Governor's Green
in Williamsburg, VA during Virginia Garden Week.
For more information on Isabel's Outstanding academic achievements click the link below.
The Greensburg Garden Center is a 501c3 nonprofit community horticultural garden club. We rely on charitable donations, get in touch to learn more or to make a donation.
Our Scholarship is awarded annually in the amount of $1500.00. Applicants must reside in Westmoreland or its bordering counties. Learn more about our scholarship with the link below
Want to stay up-to-date on all of our events and news? Join our newsletter mailing list, where you'll receive regular newsletters directly to your mailbox. Call for details 724-837-0245
Greensburg Garden Center
951 Old Salem Road, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601, United States
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10:00-3:00pm
Phone: 724-837-0245
Greensburg Garden Center Is a nonprofit organization that leases space in the Greensburg Garden & Civic Center building.
Copyright © 2022 Greensburg Garden Center - All Rights Reserved.